No single litigation funder provides all types of funding. LITIGATION FINANCE MARKETPLACE brings together the most an industry can offer.

Save time
Speed up the process
Access the widest range of funders
Find the best fit for your client

About Us

The litigation landscape has been changing extensively in recent years. Litigation finance and insurance industry is evolving even more rapidly with the emergence of new entrants, new product offerings and introduction of new instruments. In 2021, there were 114 specialist funders operating globally. Our aim is to bring under one roof all that is needed for the litigation finance services to make it a one stop shop for all the stakeholders. Funding Links is here to make your journey smooth and seamless through the funding process. We strive to give you access to a wide range of providers and products, so law firms can choose the one that suits their clients the best.

Our management team has an average of twenty-one years of business experience. We brought together professionals from legal, finance, business intelligence and IT fields and created a unique litigation funding marketplace that can satisfy all your needs wherever you are. Our interactive marketplace provides access to funders and insurance providers and the application process is standardised. As a result, processing time is significantly quicker than applying directly to funders.

We recognise that our clients’ time is precious. Our aim is to be the best value litigation marketplace which can help our clients save time and money. With this is mind we streamlined and made the application process as simple as possible. We value our clients’ views and encourage them to give us feedback to improve our services to tailor them better to our clients’ needs.

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